Sleepiness or tingling sensations in the feet, especially after prolonged immobility, is a common experience, particularly as people age. Health lifestyle is much important.

In typical situations, keeping the feet in one position for an extended period can lead to nerve compression, resulting in numbness when movement is initiated.

However, if this experience occurs frequently, it may indicate underlying health risks, especially when sensations persist despite movement.


Possible causes include diabetes, where high blood sugar damages nerves, leading to sensations like tingling, increased urination, excessive thirst, dry mouth, itchy skin, fruity breath odor, pain or numbness in feet and hands, increased hunger, sudden weight loss, and slow-healing sores.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 deficiency affects nerve cells, causing sensations of tingling in hands and feet. Ignoring this deficiency may lead to permanent damage, affecting posture and causing spinal curvature.

Poor Blood Circulation

Poor blood circulation can result in sensations of coldness or numbness in hands or feet, with visible blue discoloration on legs. Diabetes slows wound healing, and autoimmune diseases often lead to tingling sensations. Nerve damage due to accidents, excessive weight, or certain medications like those for cancer, heart conditions, or high blood pressure can contribute to tingling sensations in the feet.


Infections, such as lymphatic diseases, hepatitis B and C, HIV, can cause nerve inflammation and sensations of tingling in the feet.

Use of Specific Medicine

Specific medications may also induce these sensations, commonly associated with cancer (chemotherapy), heart diseases, or high blood pressure medications. If experiencing such sensations, consulting a doctor is advisable

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